Other products
Other products on offer
We supply MEDOKOMERC-branded products not only to the Czech Republic but also to many other European countries. Part of our production is packaged under private labels, either with or without the indication of our manufacturing plant. Our veterinary registration number is CZ 3377 ES. This label on a product guarantees that it comes from our production.
Our product portfolio includes three segments, depending on the type of customer:
- Honey packaged in small-sized containers, mainly intended for food service providers – hotels, guesthouses, hospitals, and others (10g sachets, square and round portions of 15g and 20g).
- Honey packaged in plastic consumer containers, loved by children – plastic honey bears or plastic dispensers.
- Honey packaged in wholesale and industrial containers – plastic buckets, plastic or metal drums, and IBC containers (buckets: 2.7kg, 4.5kg, 14kg, 25kg; drum: 280kg; IBC containers: 900kg and 1400kg).
Special Offer for Beekeepers
Sunflower Flower Honey (from Ukraine)
Sunflower honey has an f/g ratio of about 1.05, forms coarse crystals, and has a yellow-orange color.
- Sunflower honey drum (metal) 290kg .............. price: 70 CZK/kg excluding VAT
- Sunflower honey bucket (plastic) 14kg .......... price: 75 CZK/kg excluding VAT
Spring Flower Honey
Spring honey has an f/g ratio of about 1.20 and crystallizes very slowly. According to pollen analysis, it is a honey from fruit trees, rapeseed, alfalfa, and sunflower.
- Spring honey drum (metal) 290kg .............. price: 93 CZK/kg excluding VAT
- Spring honey bucket (plastic) 14kg .......... price: 98 CZK/kg excluding VAT
We can also offer special honeys from other regions, such as southwestern Europe, South and Central America.
Honey is available.
We can send a sample of the specific honey upon request.
The price of honey does not include delivery.
Loading is available at the warehouse in Jaroměř or Čestín.
For more information, please contact us:
Email: viktor.spacek@medokomerc.cz, phone: +420 737 089 353
For each delivery, we will include a laboratory analysis from QSI Bremen. The honey is checked for standard commercial analyses, for tests confirming potential honey adulteration, and for analyses ensuring zero presence of antibiotics.