About honey
Did you know that one table spoon of honey can provide you with up to 200 various good and important nutrients?
A Few Interesting Facts About Honey
- Bee honey has existed for over 150 million years.
- Honey is the only food that contains all the necessary substances for sustaining life, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and water; and it is the only food that also contains "pinocembrin", an antioxidant associated with improved brain function.
- In ancient times, honey was used for embalming bodies.
- Honey comes in a wide range of colors – from white to golden to dark brown, sometimes almost black. Natural honeys have similar nutritional value, with darker honeys, such as forest honey, generally containing more minerals.
- Honeybees, also known as Apis mellifera ("bee, carrying honey"), are environmentally friendly and essential pollinators for most plants.
- The bee is the only insect that produces food for humans.
- A bee has 6 legs, 5 eyes – two on each side, 3 on top of the head, and two pairs of wings.
- Bees have 170 scent receptors compared to only 62 in fruit flies and 79 in mosquitoes. Thanks to their perfect sense of smell, they can recognize hundreds of different types of pollen, nectar, and their exact location. They also use smell for communication within the hive.
- A bee flaps its wings at a speed of 200 beats per second – this extremely fast wing movement creates the "buzzing" sound.
- The average worker bee produces about 9 grams of honey in its lifetime.
- To collect 1 kg of honey, bees fly a distance equivalent to four times around the Earth.
- Honey contains many vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, coenzymes, flavonoids, antioxidants, and other bioactive substances. Honey does not contain sucrose (i.e., beet sugar). When we sweeten with sugar, our body first metabolizes it into fructose and glucose. Only after that are these simple sugars utilized by the body. With honey as a sweetener, this metabolic process is avoided.
- The main property of honey is that its components strengthen the immune system. Honey is considered a valuable natural remedy that helps detoxify the liver, alleviates respiratory symptoms, prevents infections, and supports digestion. These are enough reasons for many of us to use this "sweet medicine".
Almost everyone knows that hot milk with honey is a great and beneficial remedy. However, honey has a much broader medical use. It has been a popular and well-known natural health remedy for thousands of years.
Uses of Honey
Honey has versatile uses as an easily digestible, energy-rich food that contains many valuable nutrients along with sugars. It is mostly consumed pure, spread on bread, or added to tea, fruit juices, yogurt, or milk. The use of honey for coughs, sore throats, or colds is widely known.
Additionally, honey is used in baking. Honey has a tradition in Czech cuisine. In medieval times, it was the only available sweetener for "ordinary" food. Even today, few people can imagine Christmas baking without honey. Many holiday cookbooks and family recipes feature delicious honey-based treats, such as honey cakes or honey fillings and toppings.
In the pharmaceutical industry, honey is used as a natural medicine, discovered to contain antibacterial substances and enzymes that help smooth and rejuvenate the skin.
Expert Recommendations for Using Honey
- For a sore throat: Dissolve two tablespoons of honey and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of hot tea.
- All sweet foods – including honey – stimulate the brain to produce endorphins, natural substances that relieve pain.
- For heart disease: Honey with ground cinnamon spread on bread helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and vessels, protecting against heart attacks. Honey and cinnamon return elasticity to blood vessels and veins.
- Honey is also effective in fighting arthritis; just one tablespoon of honey daily is enough.
- For bladder infections: Dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of tea and drink.
- For toothaches: Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon with five tablespoons of honey. Apply three times a day to stop tooth pain.
- For high cholesterol: Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon with hot tea.
- Honey is effective for colds, digestive issues, bloating, boosting the immune system, stomach discomfort, and flu.
- It is also used for pimples, skin infections, and is said to help with weight loss and cancer.